
Ramit Sethi








1. 减少80%的工作量:你80%的成果来自于20%的努力。成功的关键在于消除80%的繁重工作,比如取消不必要的会议、过滤不需要的电子邮件、外包或委托不重要的任务,然后将剩余的20%的工作放大。

2. 搬到生活成本更低的地方:高昂的生活成本是许多人感到工作束缚的原因。

3. 理解并利用他人的动机:是指洞察他人行为背后的真正原因,并利用这些信息来更有效地与他们沟通和合作。

4. 获得更灵活的工作:如果你的工作需要你每天固定时间坐在椅子上,你将无法减少工作时间并增加收入。应该寻找一个更灵活的工作,让你能够专注于高影响力工作。

5. 在ROWE公司工作:ROWE(Results Only Work Environment)公司不关心你投入了多少小时或何时投入,他们只关心结果。在这样的公司工作,你将更有可能减少工作时间并增加收入。

6. 如果你是自己的老板:考虑哪些工作必须由你亲自完成,哪些任务可以外包或委托。专注于完成最重要的工作,你的业务将会蓬勃发展。


今天,咱们来聊聊怎么用 80/20 法则,把那些没用的活儿从你的生活里踢出去,专心做那些[真正重要的事](http://www.iwillteachyoutoberich.com/earn-more-money/)。这样一来,你就能多挣点钱,少干点活,还能把时间花在你真正喜欢的事情上。


– 如何每天减少工作两小时?

– 如何在 26 岁时实现薪水翻倍

– 如何仅用 297 美元完成价值 12000 美元的环球旅行

– 杰米每周只工作 20 小时,却能每月赚 11,000 美元,他是如何做到的?


80/20 法则。





事实是,我们每个人都是“认知吝啬鬼”,我们的注意力和认知能力都是有限的。所以,把精力集中在最重要的事情上,而不是什么都想要,这才是关键。这也是我经常写关于被动理财([automating your finances](http://www.iwillteachyoutoberich.com/automate-your-personal-finances/))的文章的原因。同时,这也是我在日常生活中运用“稳定三角架”([Tripod of Stability](http://www.iwillteachyoutoberich.com/blog/the-tripod-of-stability/))策略的原因。

在这篇精彩的客座文章中,泰勒·特沃伦(Tyler Tervooren)通过一些生动的例子,向我们展示了如何专注于真正重要的事情,并且还附上了一些吸引人的图表来辅助说明




泰勒·特沃伦挑战现实极限,为一群技艺高超的冒险家团队[“高级冒险学”](http://tylertervooren.com/advancedriskology)撰写文章。你可以在 Twitter 上关注他,账号是[@tylertervooren。](http://twitter.com/tylertervooren)

你知道拉米特(Ramit)、蒂姆·费里斯(Tim Ferriss)和埃丽卡·道格拉斯(Erica Douglass)这些人做了什么,而你没做什么吗?












选出你最亲近的 5 个声称关心个人理财的朋友,问问他们上周花了多少时间优化预算或调整 401k 的配置。然后再问[他们花了多少时间看电视](http://tylertervooren.com/advancedriskology/how-to-add-8-years-and-133369-to-your-life/)。




策略 1:按下 Ctrl+Z,重置你人生的 80%

哎呀,说到那个耳熟能详的“二八定律”,也就是帕累托法则([Pareto’s Principle](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pareto_principle)),你肯定不陌生。它告诉我们,在很多情况下,80%的成果其实只来源于 20%的努力。这法则,真是挺有意思的!


你发现这个机会了吗?你不仅可以减少 80%的辛苦工作,还能利用剩下的 20%来扩大规模,取得更好的成果。


举个例子,如果你刚开始[做兼职遛狗员](http://earn1k.com/),每遛一只狗 20 分钟收费 20 美元。假设你已经相当厉害了,你已经找到了 10 个客户。

很快你就会发现,你服务的 8 位客户,每人只有一条狗,每天给你 20 美元。另外两位客户,每人拥有一个狗舍,里面有 10 条狗,他们每人给你 200 美元来遛狗。

无论你是遛一条狗还是十条狗,20 分钟的散步时间都是一样的,对吧?比起只养一只狗的客户,那些养多只狗的客户能给你带来更多的收入,而且你花的时间还更少。




她可能更难找到,但你现在有的是时间,因为你刚刚减少了 80%的承诺,而且损失并不大。


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杰米每周只工作 20 小时,却能月入高达 1.1 万美元,他是怎么做到的?




现在,想要减少 60%的工作时间,同时还能保持收入不变,这是完全可能的(这也正是蒂姆·费里斯出名的原因)。但别以为这很容易,它需要一些技巧和策略。

杰米需要仔细检查自己的工作方法,找出她教练业务中效果显著的那 20%的关键部分,然后充分运用它们。这样,她就可以完全停止那些占用时间却效果不大的琐事,也就是那 80%的部分。






住在缅因州的我,每次开车出门都得花上好长时间。我算了算,每周开车就得花掉 6 小时,而我一周总共也就 20 小时的空闲时间。所以,我决定改变策略,不再亲自跑腿,而是通过电话和当地客户保持联系。这样一来,既节省了时间,又提高了效率。

她自豪地称这为“大胆行动”。虽然商界人士对她经营公司的方法一直有争议,但杰米刚刚迎来了她离职后的第一个月收入——高达 11,000 美元。

更多的钱,更少的时间,这就是 80/20 法则的魔力所在(还有在朋友圈子里的 C 位)。


当我自己做 80/20 分析时,结果一目了然。6 月份我推出了 Advanced Riskology,头两个月我试遍了所有能想到的推广策略。不出所料,有些策略效果显著,而大多数则不尽人意。


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与其每天花几个小时去跟进那些效果不明显的策略,我选择彻底放弃它们。现在,我只把大约 10%的时间用在那些对我来说非常有效的推广工具上:

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这就是为什么你今天正在读这篇文章。我发现,为大型博客撰写优质文章,是投入时间获得最大回报的好方法。除了这个策略,我还采用了接受采访和媒体报道的方式,每天大约花费 15 分钟来执行这个策略。

结果如何?爆炸性增长!在最初的三个月里,每周仅用不到两小时的“营销”时间,就吸引了近 2000 名订阅者。


策略 2:旅行、结婚,或做其他任何令人惊叹的事情……(真的不花钱)

我一直在努力成为一个好朋友,我不太喜欢主动给别人提建议。但是,当我听到人们用一种近乎绝望的语气谈论他们想要的生活,然后又否定自己,因为他们觉得自己需要像史高治·麦克老鸭(Scrooge McDuck,迪士尼角色,以富有著称)的金库那样多的钱才能实现梦想,这让我非常生气。


我敢肯定,对于你那些需要 10000 美元才能实现的梦想,只要你愿意动动脑筋,肯定能找到一个不到 100 美元就能搞定的方法。


我的朋友[肖恩·奥格(Sean Ogle)](http://seanogle.com/)在金融公司工作,但他厌倦了这份工作,想要去旅行。当他的老板拒绝了他远程工作的请求时,他毫不犹豫地辞职了。



免费 6 个月的假期,听起来真不错!

全球探险,仅需 297 美元!

明年,我计划飞往非洲和东欧,[挑战世界最高峰,还会参加一两场马拉松](http://tylertervooren.com/advancedriskology/1-percent-club)。这些旅行都需要长途飞行,为了旅途舒适,我打算选择商务舱。不过,机票价格高达 12,000 美元,即便我曾有一份收入不错的工作,这笔费用对我来说也是一笔不小的开销。

但是,我会用常旅客里程和一些旅行攻略策略,只花税费就能免费飞行。我每天只花 10 分钟或更少的时间来学习这些策略。比如:

– 使用信用卡的优惠,我们可以轻松累积大量的免费航班里程,而且这完全不会影响我们的信用评分。

– 在合作航空公司预订机票,这样我就可以轻松地去任何地方,等等……

– 安排在中转城市免费停留,这样我就不用多次预订旅行了





当然,这项服务对别人来说至少得花 5000 美元,如果还要请客人和准备美食,那价格还得往上加。所以他们自己请了个牧师,还掏钱让他进公园主持仪式。






策略 3:25 岁前晋升高管,告别加班地狱


25 岁那年,他已经是 UPS 的高级财务主管。就在几周前,26 岁的他辞去了这份工作,因为他跳槽到欧洲的一家在线图书零售公司,并且将自己的薪水翻倍,同时改变了生活节奏。


事实是,他并没有比其他有抱负的人更努力。实际上,他最近告诉我,他每周工作大约 55 小时。对一些人来说,这可能看起来很多,但请注意,其中至少有几个小时是在家里一边看体育节目,一边做新项目。


2003 年,我遇到了马特。那是个凌晨两点的夜晚,他正忙着把箱子装上 UPS 的卡车。




这位年收入超过 10 万美元的大佬,他成功的关键秘诀就是:深挖人心,搞懂人们做事的真正原因。这恰恰证明了心理学在提高收入和理财上的神奇力量!




在我告别建筑行业之前,我用了一招,让我[每天能少干差不多两小时的活](http://tylertervooren.com/advancedriskology/one-rule-before-breaking-all-the-rules/)(注意,这里又是一个典型的 80/20 法则故事)。我不再花大把时间在那些我本该负责却总是半途而废的工作上,而是开始集中精力在真正重要的任务上,同时果断放弃那些无关紧要的事情。



来看看我们 Y 世代的高管马特,他是怎么回答我关于加班是否有助于晋升的问题的:




这样做能让你每周轻松省下 10%的时间,大约是 4 到 5 个小时。















Today, learn how to apply the 80/20 rule to eliminate meaningless work from your life — and focus on what really matters — to [earn more](http://www.iwillteachyoutoberich.com/earn-more-money/), work less, and spend time doing the things you love.

今天,咱们来聊聊怎么用 80/20 法则,把那些没用的活儿从你的生活里踢出去,专心做那些真正重要的事。这样一来,你就能多挣点钱,少干点活,还能把时间花在你真正喜欢的事情上。


Below, you’ll learn…


– How to work 2 fewer hours/day


– How to double your salary (at age 26)

如何在 26 岁时实现薪水翻倍

– How to take a $12,000 around-the-world trip for $297

如何仅用 297 美元完成价值 12000 美元的环球旅行

– How somebody named Jamie earned $11,000/month working 20 hours/week

杰米每周只工作 20 小时,却能每月赚 11,000 美元,他是如何做到的?

What do all of those have in common?


The 80/20 rule.

80/20 法则。

Most of us complain how busy we are, whether it’s with work, our family, or just the basic upkeep of life. Yet there are others — who have exactly the same amount of hours as we do — who do remarkable things. How?


In fact, if we actually analyze our time spent on any given week, we’d find that the vast majority of the actions we take have very little impact.


A bleak conclusion? Perhaps. But if you can tweak your actions and focus on the actions that really matter, you can leapfrog your peers and live a remarkable life.


For example, people often believe that they can do everything when it comes to [personal finance](http://www.iwillteachyoutoberich.com/). Pay off debt! Save more! Invest! Stop spending on lattes! Earn more! Shop frugally! Make your own dinner! JUST DO IT!! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!


The truth is, we are cognitive misers and we have limited cognition and attention. That’s why it’s critical to focus on the most IMPORTANT things, rather than everything. That’s why I write extensively about [automating your finances](http://www.iwillteachyoutoberich.com/automate-your-personal-finances/). It’s also use the [Tripod of Stability](http://www.iwillteachyoutoberich.com/blog/the-tripod-of-stability/)in my life.


Below, in an extensive guest post, Tyler Tervooren shows you several examples how to focus on the things that matter (along with some fascinating charts).

在这篇精彩的客座文章中,泰勒·特沃伦(Tyler Tervooren)通过一些生动的例子,向我们展示了如何专注于真正重要的事情,并且还附上了一些吸引人的图表来辅助说明

I have to add one thing. When Tyler pitched [writing a guest post for me](http://www.iwillteachyoutoberich.com/write-a-guest-post-for-i-will-teach-you-to-be-rich/), he had a little too many examples of me, even when you factor in my extremely large ego. I sent it back and told him to tone down the praise. So below is the edited version. It’s like hearing your own voice on a recording — uncomfortable and weird.


But the rest of the material is gold, so check it out.


Tyler, take it away…


Tyler Tervooren tests the boundaries of reality and writes for a team of highly skilled risk takers at[Advanced Riskology](http://tylertervooren.com/advancedriskology). You can follow him on twitter at [@tylertervooren.](http://twitter.com/tylertervooren)

泰勒·特沃伦挑战现实极限,为一群技艺高超的冒险家团队[“高级冒险学”](http://tylertervooren.com/advancedriskology)撰写文章。你可以在 Twitter 上关注他,账号是[@tylertervooren。](http://twitter.com/tylertervooren)

Do you know what people like Ramit, Tim Ferriss, and Erica Douglass do that you don’t?

你知道拉米特(Ramit)、蒂姆·费里斯(Tim Ferriss)和埃丽卡·道格拉斯(Erica Douglass)这些人做了什么,而你没做什么吗?



Most people don’t see it like that, though. They just see a couple of people who somehow worked harder, got a little bit lucky, and made it further than them.


Most of us think Ramit, Tim, & Erica have just straight up beaten us at life. Well, they have, actually, but not by working harder or getting lucky.


You see, there’s this thing about humans that everyone knows but not very many people acknowledge and even fewer actually take advantage of:


They’re lazy. 


Human beings are inherently lazy and the few people that take it upon themselves to rise above the bar that’s set, well, pretty darn low, enjoy a lot of benefits for doing so.


Ramit, Tim, Erica – they don’t really do anything different than the rest of us. They just do the things that actually matter a lot better.


And that’s the ironic part about this universal truth.


While I certainly wouldn’t call any of them lazy, in the end, these guys enjoy the benefit of less work because they’ve improved their life processes so dramatically that they don’t have to work nearly as hard to kick ass anymore.


Over time, they’ve built up what I call “compounding awesomeness” while the rest of us stick to comfortable things that don’t work or reinvent the wheel every week with no idea if what we’re reinventing actually works or not.


Don’t believe me? Try this exercise for an example of what I’m talking about:


Pick out your 5 closest friends that say they care about personal finance and ask them how many hours they spent last week optimizing their budget or their 401k allocation. Then ask [how many hours they spent watching TV](http://tylertervooren.com/advancedriskology/how-to-add-8-years-and-133369-to-your-life/).

选出你最亲近的 5 个声称关心个人理财的朋友,问问他们上周花了多少时间优化预算或调整 401k 的配置。然后再问他们花了多少时间看电视。

Let’s move on. 


Truth is, what Tim, Erica, and Ramit do that’s propelled them above the rest doesn’t take genius, but it does take work and sustained effort. It takes a little bit of measurement every day and an undying focus on improving things that work and dropping things that don’t.


It takes some creativity. It takes some ingenuity. Most of all, it takes some strategy. Here are few strategies for you to chew on.


Strategy 1: Ctrl+Z 80% of your life

策略 1:按下 Ctrl+Z,重置你人生的 80%

Ah, the good ol’ 80/20 rule. Maybe you know it as [Pareto’s Principle](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pareto_principle), which demonstrates that in most things you do, 80% of your results come from 20% of your efforts. Pretty cool.

哎呀,说到那个耳熟能详的“二八定律”,也就是帕累托法则,你肯定不陌生。它告诉我们,在很多情况下,80%的成果其实只来源于 20%的努力。这法则,真是挺有意思的!

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But not so cool? It also means that 20% of your results come from 80% of your efforts.


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Do you see the incredible opportunity here? You can do more than just eliminate 80% of all your hard work; you can take the remaining 20% and scale up to even better results.

你发现这个机会了吗?你不仅可以减少 80%的辛苦工作,还能利用剩下的 20%来扩大规模,取得更好的成果。

But what the hell does that even mean?


Let’s say you’ve just started a [side gig as a freelance dog walker](http://earn1k.com/) and you charge $20 per dog for a 20-minute walk. Maybe you’ve even kicked ass and gotten yourself 10 clients.

举个例子,如果你刚开始[做兼职遛狗员](http://earn1k.com/),每遛一只狗 20 分钟收费 20 美元。假设你已经相当厉害了,你已经找到了 10 个客户。

Pretty soon you realize that 8 of your clients have just one dog and are paying you $20 a day while the other 2 each own a dog compound with 10 dogs a piece. They’re each paying $200 to walk the pooches.

很快你就会发现,你服务的 8 位客户,每人只有一条狗,每天给你 20 美元。另外两位客户,每人拥有一个狗舍,里面有 10 条狗,他们每人给你 200 美元来遛狗。

A 20-minute walk is a 20-minute walk whether you’ve got 1 on a leash or 10, right? Your dog compound clients are making you far more money and using up much less of your time than the single dog owners.无论你是遛一条狗还是十条狗,20 分钟的散步时间都是一样的,对吧?比起只养一只狗的客户,那些养多只狗的客户能给你带来更多的收入,而且你花的时间还更少。

You want more clients like that, but you’re exhausted and don’t have time for them.


So what do you do?


You freakin’ drop all 8 of those single dog owners, quit taking new clients with only one dog and you start looking for just one more client that has at least 8.


She’s harder to find, but you’ve got plenty of time now because you just dropped 80% of your commitments and didn’t lose much.

她可能更难找到,但你现在有的是时间,因为你刚刚减少了 80%的承诺,而且损失并不大。

And you don’t have to stop there. You can keep looking for clients with more and more dogs and dropping the smaller ones. This is what we’re talking about:


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Let’s take a second to look at some real-life examples.


How Jamie makes $11,000/month working 20 hours/week

杰米每周只工作 20 小时,却能月入高达 1.1 万美元,他是怎么做到的?

Just a few years ago, Jamie was working full-time, making decent money, and hating her job like any good American. Then, she had a baby.


Now, I don’t know anything about these “tiny humans,” so I had to take Jamie’s word that having one changes your life. It changed hers anyway, and she decided to quit her job to start her own business and only work part time so that she could be the mom she always wanted to be.


She also decided that she didn’t really want to give up much money.


Now, cutting your hours down by 60% and maintaining your income is completely possible (It’s Tim Ferriss’ claim to fame after all), but it doesn’t just happen.

现在,想要减少 60%的工作时间,同时还能保持收入不变,这是完全可能的(这也正是蒂姆·费里斯出名的原因)。但别以为这很容易,它需要一些技巧和策略。

Jamie had to take a super hard look at how she did her work and find the little bits of her coaching business that were working well for her – the 20% – and leverage the hell out of them so that she could flat out stop doing all the little stuff that was taking up her time and giving her little in return – the 80%.

杰米需要仔细检查自己的工作方法,找出她教练业务中效果显著的那 20%的关键部分,然后充分运用它们。这样,她就可以完全停止那些占用时间却效果不大的琐事,也就是那 80%的部分。

After looking at the numbers for her business, it was pretty obvious that going to networking events wasn’t bringing in many clients (sound familiar?), but her limited speaking engagements were doing great.


Rather than try even harder to make the networking events work (almost always a bad idea) she quit going to them entirely and started focusing on doing more speaking, which took up even less time.


She didn’t stop there, though. Jamie also decided to quit traveling to meet her local clients so that she could spend less time helping more people.


From Jamie:


Early this year I decided to stop pursuing local clients since I realized traveling to networking events and my clients businesses took up many hours each week.


Since I live in Maine and it takes a long time to drive anywhere, I decided that I couldn’t take up 6 of my 20 hours driving each week. I’ve since changed my local clients to over the phone.

住在缅因州的我,每次开车出门都得花上好长时间。我算了算,每周开车就得花掉 6 小时,而我一周总共也就 20 小时的空闲时间。所以,我决定改变策略,不再亲自跑腿,而是通过电话和当地客户保持联系。这样一来,既节省了时间,又提高了效率。

She calls these her “bold actions” and while the business professionals out there will argue incessantly about the right or wrong way to run her business, Jamie just had her first $11,000 month.

她自豪地称这为“大胆行动”。虽然商界人士对她经营公司的方法一直有争议,但杰米刚刚迎来了她离职后的第一个月收入——高达 11,000 美元。

More money + less time = Domination of the 80/20 Rule (and domination of your friends).

更多的钱,更少的时间,这就是 80/20 法则的魔力所在(还有在朋友圈子里的 C 位)。

Why I love writing articles like this one


I’ve seen the exact same results when I do my own 80/20 analyses. I launched Advanced Riskology in June and spent the first 2 months chasing every strategy I could think of to grow it. Naturally, there were a few that worked very well and a whole bunch that didn’t.

当我自己做 80/20 分析时,结果一目了然。6 月份我推出了 Advanced Riskology,头两个月我试遍了所有能想到的推广策略。不出所料,有些策略效果显著,而大多数则不尽人意。

Here’s the actual break out of where my site traffic comes from vs. how much time I spend on each promotional outlet:


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Rather than spend hours every day trying to suffer through the process of keeping up with tactics that didn’t do much, I just dropped them and now spend far less time, maybe 10% of what I was before, focusing on the promotion tools that work incredibly well for me:

与其每天花几个小时去跟进那些效果不明显的策略,我选择彻底放弃它们。现在,我只把大约 10%的时间用在那些对我来说非常有效的推广工具上:

That’s why you’re reading this guest post today. I’ve found that writing awesome articles for huge blogs gives me one of the best returns I can get for the time involved. The only other strategy I use is interviews/media mentions that I spend about 15 minutes a day working on.

这就是为什么你今天正在读这篇文章。我发现,为大型博客撰写优质文章,是投入时间获得最大回报的好方法。除了这个策略,我还采用了接受采访和媒体报道的方式,每天大约花费 15 分钟来执行这个策略。

The result? Explosive growth – almost 2,000 subscribers in the first 3 months for less than 2 hours a week of “marketing.”

结果如何?爆炸性增长!在最初的三个月里,每周仅用不到两小时的“营销”时间,就吸引了近 2000 名订阅者。

I’ll take that over constant frustration any day.


Strategy 2: Travel, get married or do anything else awesome… for free.

策略 2:旅行、结婚,或做其他任何令人惊叹的事情……(真的不花钱)

I always endeavor to be a supportive friend that doesn’t offer too much unsolicited advice, but it drives me nuts to hear people talk with near desperation in their voice about all the things they want to get out of life and then hear them dismiss it all because they assume they need Scrooge McDuck’s vault of gold to do any of it.

我一直在努力成为一个好朋友,我不太喜欢主动给别人提建议。但是,当我听到人们用一种近乎绝望的语气谈论他们想要的生活,然后又否定自己,因为他们觉得自己需要像史高治·麦克老鸭(Scrooge McDuck,迪士尼角色,以富有著称)的金库那样多的钱才能实现梦想,这让我非常生气。

That’s why this strategy has to do with finding creative ways to do really expensive and extravagant stuff either cheaply or completely free.


I’d be willing to bet that for every $10,000 dollar dream you have, there’s a way to do it for less than $100 if you’re willing to use your brain juice.

我敢肯定,对于你那些需要 10000 美元才能实现的梦想,只要你愿意动动脑筋,肯定能找到一个不到 100 美元就能搞定的方法。

Will work for travel 


My friend [Sean Ogle](http://seanogle.com/) got fed up with his corporate job in finance and wanted to do some traveling. When his boss turned down his proposal to work remotely, he just up and quit.

我的朋友[肖恩·奥格(Sean Ogle)](http://seanogle.com/)在金融公司工作,但他厌倦了这份工作,想要去旅行。当他的老板拒绝了他远程工作的请求时,他毫不犹豫地辞职了。

He had some savings, but not enough to make it for long with a home base in Portland, so he bought a 1-way ticket to Bangkok and set up shop over there where it’s far cheaper to live – geo-arbitrage.


Sean found a part time gig when he got over there, and after 6 months hanging out in Thailand and visiting the rest of SE Asia, he came home with the same amount of money that he left with.


Free 6-month vacation. Nice.

免费 6 个月的假期,听起来真不错!

A worldwide adventure for $297

全球探险,仅需 297 美元!

Next year, I’ll be flying to Africa and Eastern Europe to [climb two of the tallest mountains in the world as well as run a marathon or two](http://tylertervooren.com/advancedriskology/1-percent-club). Those are long flights and I’d like to be comfortable, so I’m planning to fly business class. That’s about $12,000 in airfare – not something I could afford even when I had a “great job.”

明年,我计划飞往非洲和东欧,[挑战世界最高峰,还会参加一两场马拉松](http://tylertervooren.com/advancedriskology/1-percent-club)。这些旅行都需要长途飞行,为了旅途舒适,我打算选择商务舱。不过,机票价格高达 12,000 美元,即便我曾有一份收入不错的工作,这笔费用对我来说也是一笔不小的开销。

But, I’ll be flying for no more than the cost of taxes by using frequent flyer miles and some travel hacking strategies that I spend about 10 minutes or less a day learning. Things like:

但是,我会用常旅客里程和一些旅行攻略策略,只花税费就能免费飞行。我每天只花 10 分钟或更少的时间来学习这些策略。比如:

– getting tons of miles for free flights through credit card offers without lowering my credit score


– booking tickets on partner airlines so that I can go anywhere with relative ease, and


– scheduling free stopovers in hub cities so that I don’t have to book multiple trips


Just to hit that point home, here’s what that looks like:


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If you think your dream vacation is too expensive, you’re probably not looking in the right place yet.


Free Mickey Mouse matrimony


Just the other day I talked to a gal named Tracy that got married at Disney World (her favorite place on Earth) for free. She and her fiancé were taking a joint vacation with their families there and thought, “hell, why not just get married while we’re down there?”


Of course, for everyone else, that service costs at least $5,000 and quite a lot more if you want guests and good food. So, instead, they hired their own minister and paid his way into the park to perform the ceremony for them.

当然,这项服务对别人来说至少得花 5000 美元,如果还要请客人和准备美食,那价格还得往上加。所以他们自己请了个牧师,还掏钱让他进公园主持仪式。

I asked Tracy how much work it took to put that together and here’s what she said:


I only mentioned it because in Disney-fan circles it’s a huge no-no and people think it can’t be done, so it just cracks me up that we did it – effortlessly. We could have done it anywhere we wanted – in a hotel, on a beach, in a pool, on a ride, etc.


When you’re willing to work a little harder and a little smarter, most of the things in life that you thought were too expensive and out of reach are actually right within your grasp.


Give it a shot if you’re inclined, but there is a downside to using this strategy: it’ll get harder and harder to listen to your friends complain about all the things they’ll never do because their excuses are insurmountable.


Speaking of working a little smarter…


Strategy #3: Become an executive by 25 and quit working so many damn hours

策略 #3:25 岁前晋升高管,告别加班地狱

Enter Matt.


By 25, he’d worked his way into an executive finance position with UPS and just a few weeks ago, at the age of 26, said goodbye to that job in order to double his already fantastic salary and move to Europe for a change of pace with a certain online book retailer.

25 岁那年,他已经是 UPS 的高级财务主管。就在几周前,26 岁的他辞去了这份工作,因为他跳槽到欧洲的一家在线图书零售公司,并且将自己的薪水翻倍,同时改变了生活节奏。

The funny thing about Matt is that you’d typically think of a guy like that as a dorky pencil pusher that spends his days in front of his desk and his nights underneath it.


Thing is, he really doesn’t work that much harder than anyone else with a little ambition. In fact, he recently told me that he works about 55 hours a week. That might seem like a lot to some, but consider that at least a few of those are at home watching sports while he chips away at new projects.

事实是,他并没有比其他有抱负的人更努力。实际上,他最近告诉我,他每周工作大约 55 小时。对一些人来说,这可能看起来很多,但请注意,其中至少有几个小时是在家里一边看体育节目,一边做新项目。

One other thing we should clear up is that Matt isn’t the heir to some business throne. It’s not like Daddy was the boss and gave him a management job when he graduated from high school.


When I met Matt in 2003, he was loading boxes into the back of a UPS truck at 2:00 in the morning.

2003 年,我遇到了马特。那是个凌晨两点的夜晚,他正忙着把箱子装上 UPS 的卡车。

So how did he work his way up the ladder so fast? I asked him, and here’s exactly what he said:


I focus on figuring out how systems work and where people’s motivations are coming from. Understanding how and why something works the way it does is amazingly powerful. This is my fundamental starting point for working smarter.


Investing the time to build relationships, dissect processes, and asking why builds a solid platform to base all other activities off of.投入时间去建立关系、分析流程、探究原因,这是为其他所有活动打下坚实基础的关键。

Here’s a guy who makes well over $100k/year and the #1 thing he does to be effective at his job is understand people’s motivations and why they do the things they do. That really hammers home the power of psychology when it comes to earning more and mastering personal finance.

这位年收入超过 10 万美元的大佬,他成功的关键秘诀就是:深挖人心,搞懂人们做事的真正原因。这恰恰证明了心理学在提高收入和理财上的神奇力量!

And he works in finance. How many people typically lump finance and psychology together? Hopefully a lot more now.


How much further could you get in your own career if you spent more time understanding your boss’ motivations?


How to work less every single day


Before I left the construction industry, that’s exactly the same strategy I used to [cut about 2 hours out of my average workday](http://tylertervooren.com/advancedriskology/one-rule-before-breaking-all-the-rules/) (watch out, here comes another 80/20 anecdote). Rather than spending countless hours half-assing all the work I was supposedly_responsible for, I just started working extra hard on the stuff that was really important and_quit doing the stuff that wasn’t.

在我告别建筑行业之前,我用了一招,让我[每天能少干差不多两小时的活](http://tylertervooren.com/advancedriskology/one-rule-before-breaking-all-the-rules/)(注意,这里又是一个典型的 80/20 法则故事)。我不再花大把时间在那些我本该负责却总是半途而废的工作上,而是开始集中精力在真正重要的任务上,同时果断放弃那些无关紧要的事情。

I didn’t need any permission to stop doing it. I knew that if I knocked it out of the park with the important stuff, no one would really care that the stuff at the bottom of the pile didn’t get done. And it paid off.


If you graphed my work schedule with my productivity over time, it would look like this:


And check out what Matt, our Gen Y exec, had to say when I asked him if putting in more hours is a good way to climb the corporate ladder:

来看看我们 Y 世代的高管马特,他是怎么回答我关于加班是否有助于晋升的问题的:

My view is that the hours will not necessarily help unless they’re for the right things. I view a job position as something that you have a certain amount of resources for.


The challenge with an entry-level job is that at least 50% of the work is administrative or something that others don’t fully use or understand.


I see this as the opportunity area where an individual can look at these tasks and evaluate what the real purpose is and find new ways to do them more efficiently (you will also find that many can be eliminated or scaled down).


Doing this will easily free up 10% of the week (4-5 hours).

这样做能让你每周轻松省下 10%的时间,大约是 4 到 5 个小时。

Now the trick is not to just do “more work”, it is to find out what your boss or team members are frustrated with at the moment and develop a plan to fix it. Keep repeating this and you will build up a reputation for doing so.


There you have it – straight from the horse’s mouth. Working hard is a fine trait to have, but if it’s the only tool in your bag, you’re wasting your time.


The real breakthroughs come when you get into your boss’ and colleagues’ heads and actually find ways to fix the problems that are causing them pain.


That’s how you get somewhere fast.


Back to Being Lazy 


Remember all that talk earlier about how humans are naturally lazy creatures? Well, it’s still all true, but the beauty of all this is that if you actually get off your ass and use some of these strategies, you’ll get to enjoy more laziness in the long-run, too.


That’s double domination.


Not only do you get to flying jump-kick your friends in the face by living it up while they complain about never getting what they want, but by getting better at using these strategies you end up creating less work for yourself down the road by finding the most effective and efficient ways to do the stuff that’s important while everyone else keeps toiling away because “that’s the way it’s always been done.”


And that is how you beat your friends at life.


Of course, if you’re a half decent person, you might consider teaching them rather than rubbing it in their face.
