
Ryan Holiday



这个系统并不完美,可能也并一定不适合你。但我要说的是,自从 7 年前我掌握它以后,它彻底改变了我的工作方式,它让我的创造力得到了极大的提升。

正因为有了它,我才能在短短 3 年内出版了 3 本书,并且在报纸和网站上发表大量文章……

这篇文章的作者是Ryan Holiday,一位知名的作家和营销专家。他曾担任 American Apparel 的营销总监,并创作了多部《纽约时报》畅销书,包括《The Obstacle Is the Way》、《The Daily Stoic》和《Ego Is the Enemy》。





在阅读了 LifeHacker 上[最近一篇文章](https://lifehacker.com/im-ryan-holiday-and-this-is-how-i-work-1485776137)的评论后,我决定分享一下我自己的笔记系统。这个[系统](https://www.writingroutines.com/)帮助我记录研究资料、书籍内容,以及在工作中遇到的各种趣事、故事和信息。

这个系统并不完美,可能并一定不适合你。但我要说的是,自从 7 年前我掌握它以后,它彻底改变了我的工作方式,它让我的创造力得到了极大的提升。正是因为有了它,我才能在短短[三年内出版了三本书](https://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1591846358/ryanholnet-20)(还有几本我参与创作的书),在报纸和网站上发表了大量文章,[每月分享阅读推荐](https://ryanholiday.net/reading-newsletter/),并且完成了各种工作和个人目标。

现在,我要说的是,这套卡片笔记系统并不是我个人独创的。实际上,我用的是罗伯特·格林([Robert Greene](http://powerseductionandwar.com/))教我的一套变体系统。那时,我有幸成为他的研究助理。他教给我的方法既整洁又有序。而我的方法则更加自由、杂乱。尽管如此,它对我的帮助很大,而且我相信我能够以一个独特的视角,向大家介绍这种方法。





如果我有个想法,我会把它写在一张 4×6 的卡片上,然后给它定个主题。如果我正在做一个项目,我会想这张卡片在项目中所扮演的角色。拿我自己来说,写《The Obstacle is The Way》这本书时,我写了上千张卡片,记录了所有我想放进书里的想法和概念。举几个例子:

“别被环境牵着鼻子走。” (引言)







如果遇到一个很长的故事或例子,我会先记下几个关键点,然后在旁边标注:“关于__________的故事,详见[书名]第 14 页。”这样既节省了时间,又方便以后查阅。



回击:“你可能不怕断手,但你的身体会受罪的。” —— 约翰·D·洛克菲勒

“礼貌,就像蜡烛上的温暖,能温暖人心。” —— 叔本华,第 77 页

“追击直到人和马的最后一口气。” ——(普鲁士格言,《骑士十字勋章》中引用)

“人们总是更愿意全力以赴地对抗敌人,而不是与朋友携手合作。”——恺撒,出自希夫的《克利奥帕特拉》第 19 页







– 斯多葛主义

– 人生(关于生活的普遍建议)

– [叙事谬误](https://ryanholiday.net/the-narrative-fallacy/)(这是一个非常有趣的话题,我希望有一天能够写一本关于它的书)

– 战略(展现策略大师的智慧与卓绝)

– 发帖灵感(这里的众多点子已转化为你曾阅读的文字)

– 动物(世界总是充满了奇闻轶事,让人惊叹不已。比如,根据比尔·布赖森的《一个夏天》([One Summer by Bill Bryson](https://www.amazon.com/One-Summer-America-Bill-Bryson/dp/0767919408?tag=ryanholnet-20))这本书,贝比·鲁斯这位棒球传奇人物,在他的职业生涯中,大部分时间都住在一家酒店里。而这家酒店的大堂喷泉里,竟然住着一只活生生的海豹!)

– [请相信我,我在撒谎](https://www.amazon.com/Trust-Me-Lying-Confessions-Manipulator/dp/1591846285?tag=ryanholnet-20)(媒体操纵的真相)

– [写作](https://ryanholiday.net/so-you-want-to-be-a-writer-thats-mistake-1/)(关于写作艺术的智慧)

– [教育](https://ryanholiday.net/finding-hidden-education-subsidies/)(关于学习的智慧和理念的领域。)

– 杂项(原生态)


如果你正在做一个主题明确或者范围有限的写作项目,采用速记方法会非常有帮助。比如,在我的上一本书《增长黑客营销》[Growth Hacker Marketing]中,我围绕六个主题展开,这些主题大致对应着书的各个章节和整体结构:

1. 引言

2. 增长手段

3. 产品与市场的契合度

4. 增长案例

5. 病毒式传播

6. 优化与保留


最初,我尝试为整本书做一套笔记卡片,编号从 1 到 5 等等。但很快我就发现,这种方法限制了我重新排列卡片的灵活性。因为一些看似不相关但同样重要的想法,却因为编号的连续性而被错误地联系在了一起。



“他对你的痛苦视而不见,但上帝知道,他对自己的痛苦看得比癌症还重……我终于明白,我父亲虽然一再强调、告诫,甚至写书来表达超脱,但实际上他是一个非常非常需要关爱的人。”——玛格丽特·塞林格,《塞林格》(Salinger)第 570 页


“赢得游戏并不代表它就是一款好游戏。” —— 塞斯·戈丁,《伊卡洛斯的骗局》(人生)

问:嘿,你觉得我在这里最应该担心什么? 答:别担心,这里没什么好让你操心的











[罗伯特在接受 Mixergy 的安德鲁·沃纳采访时](http://mixergy.com/robert-greene-mastery-interview/),向观众展示了他的笔记系统。如果你感兴趣,他甚至在镜头前展示了一个盒子,详细解释了其中的内容和运作方式

读书时,我喜欢边读边划重点,旁边还会随手记下心得。读完后,我会把这些重点和笔记[整理到卡片](https://www.writingroutines.com/how-to-write-book/)上。好书能让我整理出 20 到 30 张卡片,而那些不太好的书,可能就只有两三张。我会在书中寻找主题,如果书的结构不够清晰,我就会自己来梳理。比如你在第 30 页提到了某个观点,又在第 180 页重复了,我会把它们放在一起,提炼出书中的精华和核心。

当我开始这个过程,我会对信息进行分类。我注意到了你提到的那些主题和模式:比如学徒制度、创造力、与导师合作、社交智慧等。随着时间的推移,这些章节逐渐变得清晰,我能够将它们组织成不同的部分。每个部分都有标题,并且用颜色编码,根据我处理的主题类型,使用不同颜色的卡片。比如艺术、科学、政治等,这可能会变得相当复杂。 你不需要了解所有的细节,但有了这些卡片,如果我完成了所有的工作并坐下来写作,我的指尖就掌握了所有这些信息。比如,如果我要写关于列奥纳多·达·芬奇的文章,我有 50 张记录卡,从各种可能的角度对他进行分析。现在,有了这些卡片,我可以以更丰富、更深入、更多维的方式来写作,因为我已经收集并组织了所有这些信息。

在 Reddit 的 AMA(Ask Me Anything,即“问我任何事”)环节中,有人向他提出了这个问题。以下是那次对话的内容,其中包含了一些关于颜色编码的详细信息:


罗伯特的回答:首先,我会非常认真地读一本书,边读边在书页边缘做笔记。几周后,我会再次翻阅这本书,把之前的笔记整理到卡片上。这些卡片代表书中的重要主题。比如,在《精通》这本书中,我关注的一个主题就是“镜像神经元”。 通过阅读几十本书,我可能会积累三百张左右的卡片。这些卡片让我能够看到不同书籍之间形成章节的模式和主题。然后,我可以随意翻看和调整这些卡片的顺序。 我发现,这种方法对于构建一本书的框架非常有效。它不仅帮助我更好地理解书中的内容,还能激发我的创造力,让我能够从不同角度思考问题。 总之,这种方法让我在阅读中受益匪浅。


回答:你说得对,不同颜色的卡片确实可以代表不同的类别。举个例子,在我之前提到的那本关于战争的书中,我使用了不同颜色的卡片来区分不同的主题。比如,蓝色卡片代表政治内容,黄色卡片专门用来记录战争相关的信息,绿色卡片则用来记录艺术和娱乐方面的内容,粉色卡片则用来讨论战略等。通过这种方式,我可以灵活地使用这些卡片。 我可以浏览某一章节的卡片,如果发现缺少蓝色或绿色的卡片,我就能意识到可能存在问题。此外,我还可以把所有同一种颜色的卡片拿出来,看看我最喜欢的故事是哪一个。这样做不仅让我的卡片整理工作更加有序,也让我的卡片盒看起来非常酷炫。



[罗纳德·里根(Ronald Reagan),这位美国前总统,也拥有一套类似的系统。](http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/news/washington/2011-05-08-reagan-notes-book-brinkley_n.htm)直到他去世,这个秘密系统鲜为人知。里根用 3×5 英寸的卡片记录信息,并将它们分类保存在一个相册里。这些卡片上大多写满了名言,后来被[历史学家道格拉斯·布林克利(Douglas Brinkley)整理成书](https://www.amazon.com/The-Notes-Reagans-Private-Collection/dp/0062065130/ref=pd_sim_b_1?tag=ryanholnet-20)。这些卡片不仅是里根总统任期内许多演讲的灵感来源,而且在他成为总统之前,作为通用电气公司的一员,里根已经发表了数百次演讲。这些卡片记录了大约 50 年的实用智慧,其价值远超我所能汇编的任何内容。无论你对里根个人有何看法,我都强烈推荐你至少读一读这本书。






你把卡片放哪儿了?我有个大盒子,之前用来装照片的,叫 [Cropper Hopper](https://www.amazon.com/Cropper-Hopper-4-Inch-6-Inch-Purple/dp/B000S14TNA/ref=pd_sim_ac_3?tag=ryanholnet-20)。不过,我攒了好长时间卡片才填满它。之前,我用的是小点的 [Vaultz 4×6 索引卡盒]。市面上还有更便宜的纸板盒。

当你的盒子满了,你会怎么处理呢?如果我正在为一个特定项目做笔记,比如一本书,我会给它一个专门的盒子。比如,我的《现金之书》笔记已经快填满一个 Vaultz 盒子了。再过大约一百张卡片,我就打算把它转移到它自己的 Cropper Hopper 里。

你会想要笔记数字化吗?数字化确实让事情变得简单,但我偏偏不想让一切变得太简单。手写能让我放慢脚步,重新审视每一个细节。(在 Kindle 上做笔记太轻松了,这反而成了问题。)而且,能实实在在地整理资料,对于搭建书籍或项目的结构来说,至关重要。我可以轻松地把卡片从一个类别挪到另一个,翻看这些卡片时,我还会意外地发现一些早已遗忘的东西。


你是怎么记住这么多东西的?其实,这都归功于我亲自动手实践的重要性。我全情投入,每一张卡片都由我亲手制作和整理。这种动手的过程,让我和卡片之间建立了一种特殊的联系,就像一位读者所说的,它帮助我构建了一个“记忆宫殿”。 我不仅仅是模糊地记得卡片上的内容,而是清晰地记得每张卡片的位置、它们之间的联系、周围的环境,甚至是我制作它们的时间。这种记忆方式,让我对卡片上的信息有了更深刻的理解和记忆。

你会翻看这些卡片吗?当然会。每当我灵感枯竭或者启动新项目时,我总会尝试浏览之前的卡片。不需要全部看完,随机挑选几张就行。举个例子,当我为《相信我,我在撒谎》([Trust Me I’m Lying])写新序言时,我首先回顾了这些卡片。当我开始准备《增长黑客营销》([Growth Hacker Marketing])的平装版(2014 年出版)时,我翻阅了卡片,发现一些之前没用上的内容也找到了用武之地。


你的卡片盒出了问题怎么办?[最近我家不幸遭遇了抢劫](http://thoughtcatalog.com/ryan-holiday/2013/11/a-lesson-from-the-worlds-worst-week/),这事儿确实让人害怕,尤其是担心那些对我来说意义非凡的东西被夺走。幸运的是,它们安然无恙。现在,我正在考虑通过 [TaskRabbit](https://www.taskrabbit.com/) 找个人帮我做数字备份。毕竟,这些宝贝对我来说太重要了,它们是我在火灾中也要冒险抢救出来的。有时候,我甚至会把它们放在防火保险箱里,确保它们的安全。







After the response to [this recent LifeHacker piece](https://lifehacker.com/im-ryan-holiday-and-this-is-how-i-work-1485776137), I thought I would explain [the system](https://www.writingroutines.com/) I use to take notes, research books and keep track of anecdotes, stories and info I come across in my work.

在阅读了 LifeHacker 上最近一篇文章的评论后,我决定分享一下我自己的笔记系统。这个系统帮助我记录研究资料、书籍内容,以及在工作中遇到的各种趣事、故事和信息。

This isn’t the perfect system. It might not work for you. All I can say is that since learning it about 7 years ago, it has totally transformed my process and drastically increased my creative output. It’s responsible for helping me publish [three books in three years], (along with other books I’ve had the privilege of contributing to), write countless articles published in newspapers and websites, [send out my reading recommendations every month](https://ryanholiday.net/reading-newsletter/), and make all sorts of other work and personal successes possible.

这个系统并不完美,可能并一定不适合你。但我要说的是,自从 7 年前我掌握它以后,它彻底改变了我的工作方式,它让我的创造力得到了极大的提升。正是因为有了它,我才能在短短三年内出版了三本书(还有几本我参与创作的书),在报纸和网站上发表了大量文章,每月分享阅读推荐,并且完成了各种工作和个人目标。

Now to be clear, this is not “my” notecard system. If anything, I use a perverted version of a system taught to me by the genius [Robert Greene](http://powerseductionandwar.com/), when I was his research assistant. What he taught me was neat, clean and orderly. Mine is more of a mess. But it’s still be hugely helpful to me and I think I’m in a unique position to explain this method to people.

现在,我要说的是,这套卡片笔记系统并不是我个人独创的。实际上,我用的是罗伯特·格林([Robert Greene](http://powerseductionandwar.com/))教我的一套变体系统。那时,我有幸成为他的研究助理。他教给我的方法既整洁又有序。而我的方法则更加自由、杂乱。尽管如此,它对我的帮助很大,而且我相信我能够以一个独特的视角,向大家介绍这种方法。


I hope it inspires your own method.


The System


It’s difficult to describe this in any linear way so I am just going to do this in kind a brain dump way. By the end of it, I promise the system will make sense.


If I have a thought, I write it down on a 4×6 notecard and identify it with a theme–or if I am working on a specific project, where it would fit in the project. For instance, as I was preparing for my next book, [The Obstacle is The Way](https://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1591846358/ryanholnet-20), I filled out thousands of these cards for ideas and concepts that I wanted included in the book. Some examples:

如果我有个想法,我会把它写在一张 4×6 的卡片上,然后给它定个主题。如果我正在做一个项目,我会想这张卡片在项目中所扮演的角色。拿我自己来说,写《[The Obstacle is The Way](https://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1591846358/ryanholnet-20)》这本书时,我写了上千张卡片,记录了所有我想放进书里的想法和概念。举几个例子:

“Don’t be the slave of circumstance.” (intro)

“别被环境牵着鼻子走。” (引言)

“We know objectively that we learn from failure, yet we spend all our time trying to avoid it. Why?” (intro)


“Gaman–the Japanese word for endurance” (Persistence)


“Our actions our constrained, our will is not. We always decide whether we continue or not.” (Will)


“Ulysses S. Grant–incident at Mathew Brady’s studio where glass fell on him and he didn’t move. Also, where he ran toward the explosion at City Point. See: Simpson’s bio” (Nerve)


So those are the kinds of notes I write to myself. Either sentences in my own writing, words I like, questions I have, or examples I think might fit somewhere and want to learn more about.


Most of the time, what I write down are quotes (I used to [put them on a blog instead](https://ryanholiday.net/quotes-and-passages/) but it was too unwieldy). They’re either famous quotes or quotes from the writer that I think are smart. It’s very important that you mark quotes properly so you never risk forgetting to attribute. To make this extra clear, I always put a circle around the first quotation mark. If I am quoting someone quoting someone else, I’ll usually write “qtd in.”


If it’s a really long story or example, I will just jot down a few notes on the key points and then put something like: “For a story about _________ see: pg 14 in [insert book].”

如果遇到一个很长的故事或例子,我会先记下几个关键点,然后在旁边标注:“关于__________的故事,详见[书名]第 14 页。”这样既节省了时间,又方便以后查阅。

Here are some quotes from my Strategy cards:


“It is better to see once than hear a hundred times.” – Gorbachev


Retort: “You may not be afraid to have your hand cut off, but your body will suffer.” – John D. Rockefeller

回击:“你可能不怕断手,但你的身体会受罪的。” —— 约翰·D·洛克菲勒

“Politeness is to human nature what warmth is to wax.” – Schopenhauer pg 77

“礼貌,就像蜡烛上的温暖,能温暖人心。” —— 叔本华,第 77 页

“Pursuit should be to the last breath of man and beast.” – (Prussian Maxim qtd in Knights Cross)

“追击直到人和马的最后一口气。” ——(普鲁士格言,《骑士十字勋章》中引用)

“All men work more zealously against their enemies than they cooperate with their friends.” – Caesar qtd in Schiff’s Cleopatra pg 19

“人们总是更愿意全力以赴地对抗敌人,而不是与朋友携手合作。”——恺撒,出自希夫的《克利奥帕特拉》第 19 页

“Find them! Fix them! Fight them! Finish them!” – Gen. Ridgway/military slogan in Korean War. qtd in Savior Generals.


So those are the kinds of quotes I grab for one particular topic. Most of the quotes are longer than that, but space is constrained here in this post so I won’t rewrite the longer ones for you. For longer quotes, I will type them out and print them. Then I cut them out and tape them to a notecard.


I’ve talked about this before, but [the key to this system is the ritual](https://ryanholiday.net/read-to-lead-how-to-digest-books-above-your-level/): Read a book or an article and diligently mark the passages and portions that stand out at you. If you have a thought, write it down on the page (this is called marginalia). Fold the bottom corner of the page where you’ve made a note or marked something (alternatively, use post-it flags).


A few weeks after [finishing the book](https://www.writingroutines.com/how-to-write-book/), return to it and transfer those notes/thoughts on to the appropriate note cards. Why wait? Waiting helps you separate the wheat from the chaff. I promise that many of the pages you marked will not seem to important or noteworthy when you return to them. This is a good thing–it’s a form of editing.


In the top right hand corner of each card, put a theme or category that this card belongs to. If a card can fit in multiple categories, just make a duplicate card. Robert uses color coded cards for an extra layer of organization.


Some categories I currently use:


– Stoicism


– Life (General advice about life)


– [The Narrative Fallacy](https://ryanholiday.net/the-narrative-fallacy/) (Something I’d like to write a book about one day)


– Strategy (Examples of strategic genius or wisdom)


– Post Ideas (Many cards here have been turned into articles you’ve read)


– Animals (Weird stories about animals. For instance, according to the book One Summer by Bill Bryson, the hotel that Babe Ruth lived in for most of his career had a live seal living in the lobby fountain

动物(世界总是充满了奇闻轶事,让人惊叹不已。比如,根据比尔·布赖森的《一个夏天》([One Summer by Bill Bryson](https://www.amazon.com/One-Summer-America-Bill-Bryson/dp/0767919408?tag=ryanholnet-20))这本书,贝比·鲁斯这位棒球传奇人物,在他的职业生涯中,大部分时间都住在一家酒店里。而这家酒店的大堂喷泉里,竟然住着一只活生生的海豹!)

– [Trust Me, I’m Lying] (Media manipulation)


– [Writing](Wisdom about the craft)


– [Education](Wisdom and ideas about learning)


– Misc (Naturally)


As you compile cards and study different things, it’s not uncommon to organically begin coming across unexpected themes. This is how new categories are born.


If you are working on a book project where there are a limited amount of themes or you know exactly what they are, it makes sense to introduce a shorthand. For instance, with my last book [Growth Hacker Marketing](https://www.amazon.com/Growth-Hacker-Marketing-Advertising-Portfolio-ebook/dp/B00BPDR3JM/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1387495978&sr=1-1&keywords=growth+hacker+marketing&tag=ryanholnet-20), I had 6 themes that roughly corresponded with the chapters and structure of the book:

如果你正在做一个主题明确或者范围有限的写作项目,采用速记方法会非常有帮助。比如,在我的上一本书《增长黑客营销》([Growth Hacker Marketing](https://www.amazon.com/Growth-Hacker-Marketing-Advertising-Portfolio-ebook/dp/B00BPDR3JM/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1387495978&sr=1-1&keywords=growth+hacker+marketing&tag=ryanholnet-20))中,我围绕六个主题展开,这些主题大致对应着书的各个章节和整体结构:

1. Intro


2. Growth Hacking


3. Product Market Fit


4. Growth Hacks


5. Virality


6. Optimization and Retention


If anyone hassles me about my sloppy handwriting in the photos, I swear to god…


Originally I would do one set of note cards for a whole book (numbering the cards 1,2,3,4,5 etc–but I found that limited my ability to move the pieces around because unrelated but important ideas were wrongly joined together.

最初,我尝试为整本书做一套笔记卡片,编号从 1 到 5 等等。但很快我就发现,这种方法限制了我重新排列卡片的灵活性。因为一些看似不相关但同样重要的想法,却因为编号的连续性而被错误地联系在了一起。

I think it’s important that the notes are not just about work. In mine, my two most important categories are “Life” (which is mostly advice for myself) and another called “Me”, where I put things that I think are important criticisms or places for improvement in my own life. (By that I mean stuff about dealing with parents, relationships, etc. Just little reminders that help.)


Here are some cards from those sections:


“He’s detached about your pain, but God knows he takes his own pain more seriously than cancer… It finally dawned on me that my father, for all his protestations and lectures and writing about detachment, is a very, very needy man.” Margaret Salinger, qtd in Salinger pg 570 (Me)

“他对你的痛苦视而不见,但上帝知道,他对自己的痛苦看得比癌症还重……我终于明白,我父亲虽然一再强调、告诫,甚至写书来表达超脱,但实际上他是一个非常非常需要关爱的人。”——玛格丽特·塞林格,《塞林格》(Salinger)第 570 页

These people don’t work hard enough for their opinions to matter to you. (Life)


“Just because you’re winning a game doesn’t mean it’s a good game.” Seth Godin, Icarus Deception (Life)

“赢得游戏并不代表它就是一款好游戏。” —— 塞斯·戈丁,《伊卡洛斯的骗局》(人生)

“Q: Ok, but what should I be most worried about here? A: Nothing should worry you” conversation with a friend (Me)

问:嘿,你觉得我在这里最应该担心什么? 答:别担心,这里没什么好让你操心的

“Character is fate.” Heraclitus (Life)


“If you see fraud and do not say fraud, you are a fraud.” – Taleb


Don’t pick fights with members of your own team. (Life)


“You know workmen by the chips they leave.” – Old saying (Life)


Don’t stress about filling up whole cards. I have hundreds that just have a ONE or TWO words on them. These might be cool new words that I’ve never heard before, words I think have a lot of meaning in them, reminders about topics I want to mention.


Helpful tip: If you end up using the back of the card (I do it fairly often), put an arrow on the front side. Sometimes when you’re flipping through them, you miss the fact that there is text on the back.


Get in the habit. If you have an idea, put it on a damn card. If you don’t, you’ll regret it. I can’t tell you how many times I saved my ass writing down a title idea or a thought, I otherwise would have forgotten. It’s a good thing when your own cards surprise you.


When I go back through the cards, I’ll often remember other things from more recent reading or thinking and add to them. This is why, if you went through all mine, you’d see different colors of ink on the same card.


Other People Who Use This


I want to be clear that I’m not the one who invented this. I didn’t even perfect it. I’m just explaining it because people asked.


Here’s Robert explaining his system in [an interview with Andrew Warner at Mixergy](http://mixergy.com/robert-greene-mastery-interview/) (he shows one of his boxes on camera if you feel like looking):

罗伯特在接受 Mixergy 的安德鲁·沃纳采访时,向观众展示了他的笔记系统。如果你感兴趣,他甚至在镜头前展示了一个盒子,详细解释了其中的内容和运作方式

I read a book and I take, as I’m reading it, I underline it and put [notes on the side](https://www.writingroutines.com/how-to-write-book/) and then I go back and put them on notecards. And I can gauge a good book will generate 20 to 31 notecards. A bad book will generate two or three notecards and I will find themes in this book and I will take a book that’s maybe not organized very well and I will do the organizing. On page 30 you talk about this and you talk about it on page 180, you should have put those two together but I’m going to put those two together. And I find the themes in there and I break the book down into the gist of it, the heart of it.

读书时,我喜欢边读边划重点,旁边还会随手记下心得。读完后,我会把这些重点和笔记整理到卡片上。好书能让我整理出 20 到 30 张卡片,而那些不太好的书,可能就只有两三张。我会在书中寻找主题,如果书的结构不够清晰,我就会自己来梳理。比如你在第 30 页提到了某个观点,又在第 180 页重复了,我会把它们放在一起,提炼出书中的精华和核心。

And, I categorize it later as I move into the process, I see these themes and patterns that you were talking about that an apprenticeship, creativity, working with a mentor, social intelligence. Slowly the chapters come to life and I’m now able to organize it in various chapters. Each part has the title of the book on it and is color coded, having different colors of cards, depending on the kind of subject that I’m dealing with. If it’s the arts, science, , politics, etc. It’s elaborate. You don’t want to know everything about it, but with this there now, if I’ve done all that work and I sit down to write, I have at my fingertips, all of this. If I want to do Leonardo da Vinci, I have 50 notecards that break him down from every possible angle. I can now, with that, write in a much fuller, deeper, dimensional way because I’ve taken all this information and I’ve organized it.

当我开始这个过程,我会对信息进行分类。我注意到了你提到的那些主题和模式:比如学徒制度、创造力、与导师合作、社交智慧等。随着时间的推移,这些章节逐渐变得清晰,我能够将它们组织成不同的部分。每个部分都有标题,并且用颜色编码,根据我处理的主题类型,使用不同颜色的卡片。比如艺术、科学、政治等,这可能会变得相当复杂。 你不需要了解所有的细节,但有了这些卡片,如果我完成了所有的工作并坐下来写作,我的指尖就掌握了所有这些信息。比如,如果我要写关于列奥纳多·达·芬奇的文章,我有 50 张记录卡,从各种可能的角度对他进行分析。现在,有了这些卡片,我可以以更丰富、更深入、更多维的方式来写作,因为我已经收集并组织了所有这些信息。

Someone also asked him about it in his Reddit AMA. [Here is that exchange](http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/1cmb0d/i_am_robert_greene_author_of_the_48_laws_of_power/c9hv3g8) with some info about the color coding:

在 Reddit 的 AMA(Ask Me Anything,即“问我任何事”)环节中,有人向他提出了这个问题。以下是那次对话的内容,其中包含了一些关于颜色编码的详细信息:

user: Robert, I’m a big fan of yours. In one interview you mentioned your research method for your books (with index cards and shoe boxes). Could you provide some more detail on the process of your method?


robertgreene:I read a book, very carefully, writing on the margins with all kinds of notes. A few weeks later I return to the book, and transfer my scribbles on to note cards each card representing an important theme in the book. For instance, in Mastery, the theme of mirror neurons. After going through several dozen books, I might have three hundred cards, and from those cards I see patterns and themes that coalesce into hardcore chapters. I can then thumb through the cards and move them around at will. For many reasons I find this an incredible way to shape a book.

罗伯特的回答:首先,我会非常认真地读一本书,边读边在书页边缘做笔记。几周后,我会再次翻阅这本书,把之前的笔记整理到卡片上。这些卡片代表书中的重要主题。比如,在《精通》这本书中,我关注的一个主题就是“镜像神经元”。 通过阅读几十本书,我可能会积累三百张左右的卡片。这些卡片让我能够看到不同书籍之间形成章节的模式和主题。然后,我可以随意翻看和调整这些卡片的顺序。 我发现,这种方法对于构建一本书的框架非常有效。它不仅帮助我更好地理解书中的内容,还能激发我的创造力,让我能够从不同角度思考问题。 总之,这种方法让我在阅读中受益匪浅。

user: Ah–found it! Still curious about the colors, but I guess the obvious answer is that they would represent categories, topics, and the like. 🙂


robertgreene The colors represent categories, you are correct. So, for instance, with the War book, blue cards would be about politics, yellow strictly war, green the arts and entertainment, pink cards on strategy, etc. I could use this in several ways. I could glance at the cards for one chapter and see no blue or green cards and realize a problem. I could also take out all the cards of one color to see which story I liked best, etc. It also made the shoebox look pretty cool.

回答:你说得对,不同颜色的卡片确实可以代表不同的类别。举个例子,在我之前提到的那本关于战争的书中,我使用了不同颜色的卡片来区分不同的主题。比如,蓝色卡片代表政治内容,黄色卡片专门用来记录战争相关的信息,绿色卡片则用来记录艺术和娱乐方面的内容,粉色卡片则用来讨论战略等。通过这种方式,我可以灵活地使用这些卡片。 我可以浏览某一章节的卡片,如果发现缺少蓝色或绿色的卡片,我就能意识到可能存在问题。此外,我还可以把所有同一种颜色的卡片拿出来,看看我最喜欢的故事是哪一个。这样做不仅让我的卡片整理工作更加有序,也让我的卡片盒看起来非常酷炫。

user: That’s ingenious–so you’ve effectively created a relational database in a shoebox, because you can have many to many relationships between card colors and chapters. Your passion for organization is one of the (many) things that makes your work so incredibly fun to read and reference. Thank you for sharing some of that with us.


It looks like the system is also very similar to Luhmann’s [Zettelkasten]. Though again, his discipline seems to exceed mine because I am a lot less ordered.


[Ronald Reagan also kept a similar system] that apparently very few people knew about until he died. In his system, he used 3×5 notecards and kept them in a photo binder by theme. These note cards–which were mostly filled with quotes–have actually been turned [into a book edited by the historian Douglas Brinkley]. These were not only responsible for many of his speeches as president, but before office Reagan delivered hundreds of talks as part of his role at General Electric. There are about 50 years of practical wisdom in these cards. Far more than anything I’ve assembled–whatever you think of the guy. I highly recommend at least looking at it.

[罗纳德·里根(Ronald Reagan),这位美国前总统,也拥有一套类似的系统。](http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/news/washington/2011-05-08-reagan-notes-book-brinkley_n.htm)直到他去世,这个秘密系统鲜为人知。里根用 3×5 英寸的卡片记录信息,并将它们分类保存在一个相册里。这些卡片上大多写满了名言,后来被[历史学家道格拉斯·布林克利(Douglas Brinkley)整理成书](https://www.amazon.com/The-Notes-Reagans-Private-Collection/dp/0062065130/ref=pd_sim_b_1?tag=ryanholnet-20)。这些卡片不仅是里根总统任期内许多演讲的灵感来源,而且在他成为总统之前,作为通用电气公司的一员,里根已经发表了数百次演讲。这些卡片记录了大约 50 年的实用智慧,其价值远超我所能汇编的任何内容。无论你对里根个人有何看法,我都强烈推荐你至少读一读这本书。

It’s not totally dissimilar to the Dewey Decimal system and old library card catalogs.


I’m sure there are other awesome people who use a similar system. If anyone has examples, send away!




What do you use these note cards for? Whatever I want! Recently I started tweeting quotes that I had taken note of. But that’s just a little thing. I use these notecards for my life. When I have a problem, I flip through them. When I am looking for material in my writing, I use them. For instance, [I wrote this post exclusively off my notecards](http://thoughtcatalog.com/ryan-holiday/2013/10/35-badass-quote-that-will-make-you-rethink-going-to-college/) (if you couldn’t tell).


How do you know what to write down? You just write down whatever you want. Don’t stress about it. This is your system. We all have our own preferences. Personally, I look for actionable, small sized chunks.


Where do you put the cards? I have one big box that I used that’s actually meant for photos. It’s called a [Cropper Hopper](https://www.amazon.com/Cropper-Hopper-4-Inch-6-Inch-Purple/dp/B000S14TNA/ref=pd_sim_ac_3?tag=ryanholnet-20). But it took me a long time to acquire enough cards to need that. Before, I used the smaller[Vaultz 4×6 Index Card File boxes](https://www.amazon.com/Vaultz-4×6-Index-Black-VZ01171/dp/B000GP0Z68/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1377530158&sr=8-1&keywords=vaultz+index+card+box&tag=ryanholnet-20). There are also cheaper cardboard versions out there.

你把卡片放哪儿了?我有个大盒子,之前用来装照片的,叫 [Cropper Hopper](https://www.amazon.com/Cropper-Hopper-4-Inch-6-Inch-Purple/dp/B000S14TNA/ref=pd_sim_ac_3?tag=ryanholnet-20)。不过,我攒了好长时间卡片才填满它。之前,我用的是小点的 [Vaultz 4×6 索引卡盒](https://www.amazon.com/Vaultz-4×6-Index-Black-VZ01171/dp/B000GP0Z68/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1377530158&sr=8-1&keywords=vaultz+index+card+box&tag=ryanholnet-20)。市面上还有更便宜的纸板盒。

What do you do when a box gets full? If I am taking notes for a specific project, like a book, I give it it’s own box. For instance, my Cash Money book is just about at the stage where it can fill up a Vaultz box. After another hundred or so notecards, I’ll move it into it’s own Cropper Hopper.

当你的盒子满了,你会怎么处理呢?如果我正在为一个特定项目做笔记,比如一本书,我会给它一个专门的盒子。比如,我的《现金之书》笔记已经快填满一个 Vaultz 盒子了。再过大约一百张卡片,我就打算把它转移到它自己的 Cropper Hopper 里。

Wouldn’t digital be easier? Yes. But I don’t want this to be easy. Writing them down by hand forces me to take my time and to go over everything again (taking notes on a Kindle is too easy and that’s the problem). Also being able to physically arrange stuff is crucial for getting the structure of your book or project right. I can move cards from one category to another. As I shuffle through the cards, I bump into stuff I had forgotten about, etc.

你会想要笔记数字化吗?数字化确实让事情变得简单,但我偏偏不想让一切变得太简单。手写能让我放慢脚步,重新审视每一个细节。(在 Kindle 上做笔记太轻松了,这反而成了问题。)而且,能实实在在地整理资料,对于搭建书籍或项目的结构来说,至关重要。我可以轻松地把卡片从一个类别挪到另一个,翻看这些卡片时,我还会意外地发现一些早已遗忘的东西。

Isn’t it hard to carry around? Yeah, a little. But so what? It pays off so it’s worth it. Joking aside, what I tend to do is just take the section I am working on with me. If I am working on chapter 2–I take those cards. If I am writing a post about education, I’ll take the education cards with me. Very rarely do I find that I need the whole thing with me.


How do you remember it all? That’s why doing it physically is so important. I am invested in each one of these cards. I made them and arranged them with my own hands. This tactile relationship helps. As one reader put it, it helps make a “memory palace.” I don’t vaguely remember what I put on the note cards, but where I put it, what it’s connected to, what’s around it, when I did it, etc.

你是怎么记住这么多东西的?其实,这都归功于我亲自动手实践的重要性。我全情投入,每一张卡片都由我亲手制作和整理。这种动手的过程,让我和卡片之间建立了一种特殊的联系,就像一位读者所说的,它帮助我构建了一个“记忆宫殿”。 我不仅仅是模糊地记得卡片上的内容,而是清晰地记得每张卡片的位置、它们之间的联系、周围的环境,甚至是我制作它们的时间。这种记忆方式,让我对卡片上的信息有了更深刻的理解和记忆。

Do you review the cards? Absolutely. If I am lacking inspiration or just kicking something new off, I always try to flip back through them. It doesn’t have to be all of them either. Just grab a few. Another example: When I wrote the new foreword for [Trust Me I’m Lying](https://www.amazon.com/Trust-Me-Lying-Confessions-Manipulator/dp/1591846285/ref=sr_1_cc_1?s=aps&ie=UTF8&qid=1387497544&sr=1-1-catcorr&keywords=trust+me+i%27m+lying&tag=ryanholnet-20), I started by going back through the cards. When I starting prepping the paperback of [Growth Hacker Marketing](https://www.amazon.com/Growth-Hacker-Marketing-Advertising-Portfolio-ebook/dp/B00BPDR3JM/ref=sr_1_cc_3?s=aps&ie=UTF8&qid=1387497544&sr=1-3-catcorr&keywords=trust+me+i%27m+lying&tag=ryanholnet-20) (out in 2014), I went through the cards and was able to find a place for some that I hadn’t used the first time.

你会翻看这些卡片吗?当然会。每当我灵感枯竭或者启动新项目时,我总会尝试浏览之前的卡片。不需要全部看完,随机挑选几张就行。举个例子,当我为《相信我,我在撒谎》([Trust Me I’m Lying](https://www.amazon.com/Trust-Me-Lying-Confessions-Manipulator/dp/1591846285/ref=sr_1_cc_1?s=aps&ie=UTF8&qid=1387497544&sr=1-1-catcorr&keywords=trust+me+i%27m+lying&tag=ryanholnet-20))写新序言时,我首先回顾了这些卡片。当我开始准备《增长黑客营销》([Growth Hacker Marketing](https://www.amazon.com/Growth-Hacker-Marketing-Advertising-Portfolio-ebook/dp/B00BPDR3JM/ref=sr_1_cc_3?s=aps&ie=UTF8&qid=1387497544&sr=1-3-catcorr&keywords=trust+me+i%27m+lying&tag=ryanholnet-20) )的平装版(2014 年出版)时,我翻阅了卡片,发现一些之前没用上的内容也找到了用武之地。

But wouldn’t Evernote be better? Maybe for you but not for me. If that’s what you want to use then go for it. But I think there is something irreplaceable about the physical aspect. Physical books, physical notecards, that’s the best in my opinion.


What if something happened to your box? [My house recently got robbed](http://thoughtcatalog.com/ryan-holiday/2013/11/a-lesson-from-the-worlds-worst-week/) and I was so fucking terrified that someone took it, you have no idea. Thankfully they didn’t. I am actually thinking of using [TaskRabbit](https://www.taskrabbit.com/) to have someone create a digital backup. In the meantime, these boxes are what I’m running back into a fire for to pull out (in fact, I sometimes keep them in a fireproof safe).

你的卡片盒出了问题怎么办?[最近我家不幸遭遇了抢劫](http://thoughtcatalog.com/ryan-holiday/2013/11/a-lesson-from-the-worlds-worst-week/),这事儿确实让人害怕,尤其是担心那些对我来说意义非凡的东西被夺走。幸运的是,它们安然无恙。现在,我正在考虑通过 [TaskRabbit](https://www.taskrabbit.com/) 找个人帮我做数字备份。毕竟,这些宝贝对我来说太重要了,它们是我在火灾中也要冒险抢救出来的。有时候,我甚至会把它们放在防火保险箱里,确保它们的安全。

Remember there is no right and wrong way to do this. The system that I have was taught to me by someone and I made my own modifications. His way works best for him, and I have a way that works better for me.


Make your own way. But I think you’ll love this system.
